Monday, April 26, 2010

Lack of Motivation

I have no motivation to blog.  Our life isn't interesting, and although I have a LOT on my mind, its not safe to publicly announce it all yet!

No we aren't preggers.

When I have more motivation to say whatever, I PROMISE to do so.  Until then, I sure hope you are enjoying the weather, rain, snow or shine.  :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Catch up Day

Today ended up being a day for just Samantha and myself.  We ended up catching up on the things that needed to get done.

For Sam, that included naps out the wazoo...(she refused to nap yesterday)

For myself, it was grocery shopping and preparing for the week.

I have been totally behind on blogging, and this past weekend I truly thought of a good blog, but then forgot.

But shortly I will upload pictures from my baptism, confirmation and Easter.

What a wonderful Easter we had!  :)