Thursday, September 30, 2010

Samantha Stats

Samantha weighs a WHOPPING 20 pounds and 2 ounces.  :)  She is 32 1/2 inches long.  According to the charts, she is in the 10th percentile in weight and in the 90th for height.   Doc said she is going to be long and lean.  Most likely she will turn out like her Aunt Angie Berger.  Other than that she is a healthy pup.  She's movin' and groovin' like she should and the Dr. said she makes the funniest faces...which she does!!  :)

Enjoy your Thursday!  Its gorgeous in our neck of the woods.  Hope you're enjoying it as much as the kiddos and I have been!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Potty Training Two

Do you know how hard it is to stay on top of potty training TWO children?!  VERY, in case you were wondering.
We are slowly working on it.  I am not as motivated this week as I was last week and Sam has begun to tell me "no" when I say "let's go to the potty".  Awesome.  She must love this process as much as me!  :)

In other news, I had a playdate at my house yesterday.  15 Mommas and 18 kiddos!  Now that is a good playdate! (We missed you, Elizabeth!)  :)  We mainly just hung outside and snacked.  It was good to get a little adult time and I loved hosting it.  My goal for next time is to do more activities with the kids and possibly cut the grass before hand!  :)

That's all here in Berger Land!  Samantha goes to the doctor this afternoon so I hope to post later tonight or tomorrow about that!  My guess is she weighs 22 pounds.  I have no idea about length.  All I know is that she is a petite little bugger!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Potty training joys

One of the tricks of potty training is catching your child in the act and running them to the toilet so that they can associate the act with the toilet.

Greg did just that today:

Greg: "Are you pooping?"
Sam: "Yea."
Greg: "Quick, let's go potty!!"
Runs Sam to the toilet.
Greg: "OHHHH. YUCK!!!  GROSS!!"
I come down the stairs from sleeping in...

Me: "What happened?"
Greg: "She pooped already and I thought I was catching her before she was pooping so I threw off the diaper and a terd rolled out, onto my leg and then the floor."

Me: All smiles because this time, it wasn't me!!  :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Potty Training Week: 1

I decided blindly to start potty training Samantha. I kind of figured it was time to at least have her understand the concept of sitting on the potty and "pushing" out her pee.  The whole attempt to push out process is rather cute, might I add.  She sits on her potty and I tell her to push it out and she grunts so adorably!  :)
Anyway, so far we have not been successful in actually peeing in the potty, but in 5 days she has figured out when she is going in her diaper. When she is wet or poopie or in the process, she is begins to waddle like a duck or like she just got off a horse after being on it for 48 hours straight.  And today, I caught her squatting like she was sitting on a pretend toilet while we were outside.
The most difficult thing about this is that when I go to grab her to put her on the toilet, she doesn't stop doing the duty so we always miss it by seconds.
I do think that this was a good step to take and I really am praying that in 6 months we have it down pat.  We are learning the sign for potty and she already has that down.  We are getting closer and closer by the day!  :)
Here's to week 2!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Matron of Honor

I get the pleasure of being in this girl's wedding and I couldn't be more excited about it!!!

Here's hoping for quick winter and spring because I can't wait to celebrate THIS wedding!!!

Congratulations, Bestie!  Its going be FABULOUS!!!

STL Kid City Expo

If you are in the St. Louis area this Saturday, you should come check this out at the Science Center.  The mommy forum that I am a part of,, will have a booth there promoting the group and we will have a fun activity for the kids to do!  So, come check us out!!!

A bunch of randoms

I am a bad mother and haven't taken Samantha to her 15 month appt yet.  In fact, I just scheduled it last week for next week, and she will be 16 1/2 months then.  Whoops.  But when we go, I promise to do an update on her actual stats.
Life just seems to get busier as she gets older.  Its not nearly as easy to load her in the car and tote her along.  I actually have to work around nap time (which, by the way, is 4 hours smack in the middle of the day), lunch time, snack time and the like.  My daughter is such a grazer.  She likes to eat only a little bit but likes it ever 2 hours or so.  It gets rather exhausting to put her in and out of that high chair and more importantly, to actually have to THINK about what to give her.  I get so tried of giving her the same thing, but my creative outlet is pretty dry.
     In other news, we are potty training. I am just starting. I am going to start loading her and Ben up with liquids and then take them to the bathroom every 1 1/2 - 2 hours.  We will see how that goes.  I know that Samantha likes to sit on the potty and Ben has been showing true signs of knowing that he has to go, so its worth a shot.  It could be a long process, but I am telling myself I am up for the challenge!
     I am still in search of a job.  As much as I love love love staying home with Samantha, and really dread about the thought of going back to work, I think that we BOTH need separation from each other.  It would do us both some good. I might be able to gain my sanity back, and maybe it will help with her whining.
     Have I told you my daughter is a whiner?!  Welp, she is.  Its exhausting.  I keep saying that I can't wait until her verbal skills are stellar because I just can't take it some days.  She is adorable, beautiful, so much fun to be around, but when the whining and the temper tantrums (oh!! the temper tantrums) start to erupt, my patience dwindles.  I never knew a child could whine and tantrum so well, but I'm telling you, if there was a competition, there would be no question who would win.  And this is nothing to be proud of.  Greg and I are really working with her.  A lot of the time its out of frustration that she can't communicate with us or can't get something to go her way (usually a toy).  Greg and I are really working on her with patience and telling us that she needs our help (with sign language, which has been a true lifesaver in our house).  Greg seems to get through to her a lot better, but I think the change in scenery for her helps.  We are hoping to nip this in the butt pretty quickly.

Random post.  I don't have much in the way of new pictures.  They are all up on Facebook.  :)

I will try not to be so sporadic!  Life just seems pretty busy with 3 kiddos all day and hubby time at night.  And the weekends, oh my, have been OUTRAGEOUSLY busy.  I'd like to say October is better, but its not!  :)  Until next time!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Reflections of Motherhood.

What an awesome reminder for those times that you think you just can't!  

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Washer and Dryer

How often do you clean the outside of your washer and dryer and the inside of your washer?

Me?  I rarely ever do.  But since I've been cloth diapering its been kind of an obsessive thing.  There is something about washing poopie diapers in the same washer that I wash my towels and underwear in.  That being said, I try to wash the inside once a week.  But to be honest, its once a month at best.

So I ask you again, how often do you clean your washer and dryer?!

Ohio Bound

We are headed to Ohio tomorrow morning and I couldn't be more excited!  I am so excited for my grand parents to have one on one with Samantha.  She's gonna love it and so are they!  For this adventure, we will be turning Sam around to forward facing for the first time. (Gasp!)  I have been pretty against this because of the accident we were in on Christmas last year.  Kids are just SO much safer rear facing and Sam is so little that it made me feel a little better about it.

Why turn her around then?  Because we need this 7-8 hour drive to be exciting and new and not so awful, so this is how we are doing it!  That and some new toys!

Here's hoping that the slight fever and stuff nose she has acquired doesn't make her SUPER crabby!  :0/

I hope everyone has a fabulous Labor Day!  Its supposed to be beautiful in STL and Columbus!  ENJOY!!!

Power Balance Band

I had never heard of it until going to Chicago.  We were in the expo that they held, and well, to be honest, I fall for everything. I mean EVERYTHING I see on info-mercials.  

I didn't even find this first.  Greg and some others did.  he found me and whether its psychological or not, its amazing.  I can't describe it, but its awesome.  The test that was done was incredible.  

I can't figure out how to upload this video, but check it out.  It doesn't even do it justice.  But its amazing.  I will say it again.  Amazing.  Go get one.  :)

Oh, and like I said, even if it is psychological, its doing something, right?!  Changing the way you think, feel and act.  Just a thought!

Tri Athlete

Not me, of course!  But my amazing husband!

Words can not describe how proud I am of him.  This has been a goal of his for the last couple of years and he has finally accomplished it.  He kept saying that he only wanted to do one once, and not again.  But I seemed to know better.  Once we got to Chicago and saw the vibe, I knew this would be one of many.  He seems rather disappointed with his outcome, but in my opinion, the man finished it.  :)  He can only go up from here! (Pending any disasters like a flat tire!)

I think on race day I was more nervous than he was.  Neither of us got any sleep the night before and I was constantly on top of what time it was so he wouldn't miss the start of his heat. (8:56am)

We stayed with a couple of friends who live in Chicago, but the remainder of the group stayed at the Hilton on Michigan Ave.  We had a couple of friends who had done a tri before, so they decided that we needed to be at the transition station at 4:15 am.  Which for us meant we had to be up by 3:00 and out by 3:30 at the latest.  Boy was that EARLY!  Totally worth it though.  It was so cool to see the mass amounts of people who decided to accomplish this feat.  I have never seen so many walks of life in one area to all do the same sporting event.  So cool.

We went back to the hotel in between transition set up and racing to get some shut eye and eat some breakfast.  Like I said before, I was so anxious about Greg getting to the start line in time that I didn't sleep.  I tried to keep my anxiety to a minimum in an effort to not stress him out, and I hope I accomplished that.  About and hour before his start, we headed down. it was incredible.  We met up with our friends and got ready.  We wrote on their swim caps so that we could attempt to see them when they were in the water.  On the lighter caps, it worked, but we had to work a little harder with the darker colored ones.  I was able to learn the ropes of being a spectator with two fabulous women who also had their men in the triathlon too.  We hung out until the very end.

Enjoy the pictures.  I didn't get any of the bike because they biked on North Shore Drive with them in one lane and the cars in the other.  I got distracted/blocked by the cars so I couldn't always see them!  We saw two of the guys, but I didn't have my camera by my eye so I missed them!  :(

About to start the swim.
 Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. :)
I almost missed him. Our friend Stephanie was right in front of him and I DID miss her!  I was too busy talking to the woman next to me!  ;0)  Figures.