Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A bunch of randoms

I am a bad mother and haven't taken Samantha to her 15 month appt yet.  In fact, I just scheduled it last week for next week, and she will be 16 1/2 months then.  Whoops.  But when we go, I promise to do an update on her actual stats.
Life just seems to get busier as she gets older.  Its not nearly as easy to load her in the car and tote her along.  I actually have to work around nap time (which, by the way, is 4 hours smack in the middle of the day), lunch time, snack time and the like.  My daughter is such a grazer.  She likes to eat only a little bit but likes it ever 2 hours or so.  It gets rather exhausting to put her in and out of that high chair and more importantly, to actually have to THINK about what to give her.  I get so tried of giving her the same thing, but my creative outlet is pretty dry.
     In other news, we are potty training. I am just starting. I am going to start loading her and Ben up with liquids and then take them to the bathroom every 1 1/2 - 2 hours.  We will see how that goes.  I know that Samantha likes to sit on the potty and Ben has been showing true signs of knowing that he has to go, so its worth a shot.  It could be a long process, but I am telling myself I am up for the challenge!
     I am still in search of a job.  As much as I love love love staying home with Samantha, and really dread about the thought of going back to work, I think that we BOTH need separation from each other.  It would do us both some good. I might be able to gain my sanity back, and maybe it will help with her whining.
     Have I told you my daughter is a whiner?!  Welp, she is.  Its exhausting.  I keep saying that I can't wait until her verbal skills are stellar because I just can't take it some days.  She is adorable, beautiful, so much fun to be around, but when the whining and the temper tantrums (oh!! the temper tantrums) start to erupt, my patience dwindles.  I never knew a child could whine and tantrum so well, but I'm telling you, if there was a competition, there would be no question who would win.  And this is nothing to be proud of.  Greg and I are really working with her.  A lot of the time its out of frustration that she can't communicate with us or can't get something to go her way (usually a toy).  Greg and I are really working on her with patience and telling us that she needs our help (with sign language, which has been a true lifesaver in our house).  Greg seems to get through to her a lot better, but I think the change in scenery for her helps.  We are hoping to nip this in the butt pretty quickly.

Random post.  I don't have much in the way of new pictures.  They are all up on Facebook.  :)

I will try not to be so sporadic!  Life just seems pretty busy with 3 kiddos all day and hubby time at night.  And the weekends, oh my, have been OUTRAGEOUSLY busy.  I'd like to say October is better, but its not!  :)  Until next time!!


  1. i like randomness! good luck on the potty training and way to jump in early! save that diaper money!

  2. Random seems a bit more like every day life summary. It works, and much luck my dear. I could say something profound about this phase and the next but you wouldn't believe nor would it change how you feel now so I will simply say pack those kids up and be frustrated out my way anytime!!! Naptime can happen here too.
