Friday, September 24, 2010

Potty Training Week: 1

I decided blindly to start potty training Samantha. I kind of figured it was time to at least have her understand the concept of sitting on the potty and "pushing" out her pee.  The whole attempt to push out process is rather cute, might I add.  She sits on her potty and I tell her to push it out and she grunts so adorably!  :)
Anyway, so far we have not been successful in actually peeing in the potty, but in 5 days she has figured out when she is going in her diaper. When she is wet or poopie or in the process, she is begins to waddle like a duck or like she just got off a horse after being on it for 48 hours straight.  And today, I caught her squatting like she was sitting on a pretend toilet while we were outside.
The most difficult thing about this is that when I go to grab her to put her on the toilet, she doesn't stop doing the duty so we always miss it by seconds.
I do think that this was a good step to take and I really am praying that in 6 months we have it down pat.  We are learning the sign for potty and she already has that down.  We are getting closer and closer by the day!  :)
Here's to week 2!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck my dear. When they are really ready it happens swiftly, but like you I did it early with my 4th because I just wanted it to be time. In time all things will happen. Plus little girl undies are awesome huh:)
