Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Medley of Things

I am sure I could write a post for each, but I'd rather do a shortened version...

Monday night we did a family run around Tower Grove Park.  And by this I mean that Greg took Finnegan ahead of Sam and I for the first half.  We met at Center Cross and he took Sam and I took the exhausted Finnegan for the second half.  And then we met at home!  :)
I did a fantastic job and ran the whole thing (3.7 miles) except for 1 minute's worth.  Rather proud of myself!  But then it hit me like a ton of bricks and about 30 minutes after our run I was hit with nausea.  I was totally bummed because I didn't feel like I pushed myself too hard, but its the most I've ever ran, so that could be it!  :)  I'm ready to hit the road again soon!

After our run Greg jumped on his bike to meet a friend to go riding.  He is currently in training for his triathlon in August in Chicago.  He didn't close the back gate all the way for reasons that don't need to be shared to those on the internet (but it might have to do with dog poo).  I let Finnegan out as usual and didn't think twice.  Greg came home and as we were relaxing he asked where the dog was.  I informed him that he should have seen him outside.  When he told me that he left the back gate open I ran to the back to call out Finn's name.  He was no where around.

We scrambled to get our shoes on, I was about to call our neighbor to ask her to come over to watch Sam when I opened the front door, and who was there?!  FINNEGAN!  :)  The thing is, here in the city he just can't go through the houses to get to our front porch.  He had to go around the block to get home.  Such a good pup.  :)  He was there for over an hour, unknowingly to us.  :)

So I have decided to teach the kiddos sign language because we've had some issues with biting and hitting and pinching.  I just started on Monday and Sam already has please and thank you down.  Such a smart little girl!  :)  We are working on the basics and then will move into harder words if we need them.  My hope is that we just have to use them until we develop more words.

Speaking of developing more words, Sam has learned a new one!  There are some days that she is in her high chair and Finnegan comes over to beg for food.  I don't put up with this at all and I point my finger and tell him to "Go!".  Well, she's caught on and there are days when she is standing next to him while he is laying nicely on the ground and she will point to him and tell him "Go!".  Its too funny!  Now if she would only learn more words this quickly.  :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Haylie Kay

I'm officially an aunt.  As of 11:17 pm last night to be exact.

The feeling is awesome, but hasn't always been so.

When I first found out that Carl and Cassie were expecting, I had an act of selfishness and hoped it would be a boy. I wanted MY princess to continue to be the one and only for a few years more.

Then I thought, well if they have a girl, I still have my parents who will spoil her rotten.

Then my feelings took a turn.  Right before they found out, Carl told me he wanted a boy.  I looked at him (and surprised myself), and said that if they had a girl, she would be close in age with Samantha and they could grow up together.

How awesome is that?  A cousin for Sam to grow up with.  I didn't really have that.  Our oldest cousins are my little sister's age.  5 years younger than me.  Now we can relate, sure, but growing up I just had my brother and sister.  Bor-ring.  :)

So welcome to the world, Haylie Kay!  We are so excited you're here and we can't wait for you to grow up with our baby girl!!!

Well Said

I could try to rewrite this in my own words, but why?  She puts it so perfectly.  Sure my exact situation is different, but the feelings are mutual.

So go ahead.  Read this post by Jenny.  Then go read her story.  Pretty awesome.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


There is a biter in the house.  Little Ben is quite the biter and can really sink his teeth into you when he wants to.  I have yet to experience it, but Sam has acquired 2 full sets of bite marks (one for each arm) and now a single tooth mark on her finger. :(

It makes me sad.  It upsets me.  But he's 17 months.  What can be done?

His Mom and I both agree that a little time-out won't hurt him any, so that's what we've begun.  Starting today.  He's been in it once.  We'll see if he continues.

Working in the industry of children for so long, biters never really bothered me.  But when its your own baby, you take offense to it yourself and get a little defensive.  

I have done my best not to "take sides" in this situation since its my little one getting bit.  

I've been the disciplinarian and the comforter before, I can do it again! :0)

This too shall pass.  :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Undeniable Love

I get it. I understand.  It makes sense.

People tell you that when you have children your heart grows so big you never thought it to be possible.

For some, it happens the instant their first child is born (and the same for the following children).
For others it may take a while.

For me, I loved my baby girl when she was born but didn't have "that feeling" and felt like a horrible Mom.  How could I not feel that way?  Wasn't I supposed to feel that way?  What in the H-E- double hockey sticks was wrong with me?!?!?!?!?!

I guess it takes a little bit of some challenging times to understand and truly feel that love.  My sweet adorable daughter has been a whine queen lately.

I put her down.  She whines.

I pick her up.  She whines.

I give her something. She whines.

I can't win and she whines.  It makes for a stressful hard day.  Especially when i have 2 other children vying for my time.  She is constantly in my lap or arms and the other two are fitting around/on me some how.

I am so anxious to put her down for naps/bed that I feel a tinge of guilt because of it, but at the same time I feel my shoulders standing up straight because that strain is no longer there...until tomorrow.

But then...THEN I go into her room a couple hours after she goes down to watch her sleep and hold her hand and in the midst of all of that, while still sleeping, she sits up and reaches for me.  I pick her up and take her to the chair and we rock.  Silently for a while, and then I sing to her.  And I cry.  Because I never knew I could love someone so much.  

And we rock some more.  Because I don't want this moment to end.  I don't want to be a part of another whiny day.  Because I want this sweet adorable daughter all day AND night.

But I know she will grow out of it.  And then there will be a new challenge.  And I will probably continue to rock her.  :)  I'm making my own version of Love you, Forever.

And my heart will grow bigger.  And bigger.  And I'll love her more than I could ever imagine.

  You never truly appreciate your parents' love for you until you have your own.

And eventually, you will get it.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Just looking at this word used to make me cringe.

Unless it was no longer than a 100 meter dash.

As in running the bases for softball.

Or running down a soccer field, where I am distracted and not realizing that I am running.

This all changed a few weeks ago when a friend asked if I would go running with her.

She told me she was super slow and with her long legs I did not believe that her "super slow" would be slow enough for me and my short legs and out of shape body.

But she was.

And I loved it.

Yes, loved it.

We ran a 5k right there*.  In 45 minutes.  And I felt good.

SOO good.  So good that I wanted to KEEP running.  (Jaw dropping moment here.)

I loved it so much that we ran the next weekend.  And the next.

And now I am thinking I am going to do a 1/2 marathon with her in October.

Its cool.  You can say it, because I am still thinking it:

SAY WHAT?!?!?!

*Dislcaimer: We ran on a completely flat surface.  Each time we ran.  No hills.  But its aaaaallll about baby steps!  :)

Monday, June 14, 2010


On the way home from dinner with my parents last night, I was listening to the radio.  They were asking callers, specifically women (because apparently every woman has a nemesis...who knew?!), to call in and tell them if they had a nemesis and why.  I was listening to one lady's call who said that here supposed best friend got her fired from a job.  Crazy.

This got me thinking.  Do I have a nemesis?

I'm going to be completely honest when I say I hold grudges. Big ones.  Its something I am working on, so if I am holding one on you, be patient.

So, while I hold grudges, I don't especially feel that any of those grudges equal nemeses.(This is the plural form.  I had to look it up!  :)  )

After a few minutes of deep deep thinking listening to Ke$ha, I realized that no one person is my nemesis.

But alas, I have discovered that I have one.

Hair.  Yes, Hair.

My hair. Dog hair.  Sometimes Hubby hair.  Usually daughter hair.


Whether its cleaning or styling, I struggle with hair.

 It. drives. me. bonkers.

I clean, I look over and there is hair billowing in the wind of the air vents.

I style my hair one way, and in 15 minutes, it looks nothing like I styled it to be.

Sam gets a bath and her hair is so cute and curly and then she wakes up from a nap and it looks like THIS!
(I mean seriously.  Dreads on a one year old?!  Not cute.)

Hair, you are my nemesis.  But I warn you:  Be afraid, very afraid.  I will overcome you.  I WILL!  :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

When a tree falls on your car...

As many of you know, a tree fell on our "new" car last weekend.  It was a bit of a shock to actually watch the event happen.  We were walking out to our car to leave my BIL's house and it sounded like fireworks.  We just assumed there were kids setting them off and were thankful because it helped bring their dog, Lucky, back in the house (she had escaped out with us.).  Low and behold, it was not fire crackers but the tree breaking off from the trunk.  

I can remember Greg's voice clearly.  A little higher pitched while saying "Holy S*!#,  Your tree just fell on our car!".

After frantic calling to the insurance company, our parents, and talking to the neighbors (who thought WE were setting off the fire crackers), we stayed the night with my parents who live just 10 minutes from BIL.

We got to spend the next day cutting the tree off the car and bringing down the remains of what was left in the ground.

After talking to the insurance adjuster and the body shop, we have about $4400 worth of damage which will take 2 weeks to repair because they have to basically dismantle the roof of the car.

Here's hoping there isn't any more extensive damage because this girl hates that we don't have a car.  

Oh, and I'm sure you're wondering why we don't have a rental.  Well, my dear sweet husband thinks its ludicrous to pay the $$ each month for the insurance to cover it.

Says the man who has a car every day and didn't just go an entire month without one...

Anywho, no bitterness here.  Just anxious to get the car back in one piece and up to par.

OH and thank goodness for car insurance.  $500 deductible!

Enjoy the pics below!

                                                 Pictures for the insurance company.

                                                         Where it broke off.

                                             Where's the car?!  Oh, under the tree.


                                               Revenge.  Tree falling.  We had to stand back just incase the chains broke!

                                         Gotta end it with my sweet daughter chasing Uncle's Duck, Daisey!  :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Who am I?!

There are many things that I have been going on lately that has required me to sit down and think about who I am.

With no further ado:

I am a:

Believer/Follower of Jesus
Home Maker
Job Hunter

These are in no particular order, although they do have one.  I am working hard to rearrange my order.

I encourage you to do the same!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Better late than never!

Yesterday was such a relaxing day.  All weekend in fact.

However, in the mix of a relaxing day was an event that was one of my firsts!

That's right.

I, Katie, cut the grass for the first time.  Ever.  In my LIFE.

Shoot.  I didn't even know how to turn the darn lawn mower on before yesterday.

Sweet sweet husband was outside weed whacking the yard.  We have some crazy grass that grows all over the place.  It seemed to be taking him FOREVER.  I was sitting inside, relaxing after what was probably my normal early afternoon (cleaning the kitchen, taking care of a toddler, oh and finally writing thank you notes!).

I had noticed that after an hour sweet sweet husband hadn't even started on the grass cutting so I decided it was high time that I learned how to do so.

He showed me how to turn it on.  How to start the blade and how to use the self pusher.

In a short, sweet 30 minutes (thank you, city lawns), the grass was cut and the weed whacking was finally finished!

It was so rewarding and as I told Greg, kinda fun.

Do I want to mow your lawn?!  No.  Thanks for asking though.

We spent the rest of the afternoon at the pool where we experienced a nice downpour and sweet time with Grandma and Grandpa Fleischmann.

Great way to end a great weekend!