Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Just looking at this word used to make me cringe.

Unless it was no longer than a 100 meter dash.

As in running the bases for softball.

Or running down a soccer field, where I am distracted and not realizing that I am running.

This all changed a few weeks ago when a friend asked if I would go running with her.

She told me she was super slow and with her long legs I did not believe that her "super slow" would be slow enough for me and my short legs and out of shape body.

But she was.

And I loved it.

Yes, loved it.

We ran a 5k right there*.  In 45 minutes.  And I felt good.

SOO good.  So good that I wanted to KEEP running.  (Jaw dropping moment here.)

I loved it so much that we ran the next weekend.  And the next.

And now I am thinking I am going to do a 1/2 marathon with her in October.

Its cool.  You can say it, because I am still thinking it:

SAY WHAT?!?!?!

*Dislcaimer: We ran on a completely flat surface.  Each time we ran.  No hills.  But its aaaaallll about baby steps!  :)


  1. Girl we have got to stop meeting here! I love to run, that is until I spend the time arguing with myself that I can in fact keep running.

    I am slow too, if you do end up doing this please let me know. I might love to join you guys!

  2. i could have written this blog..LOL. I do like to run but with me it's probably closer to a jog than a run..hahaha. if you decide to train for this 1/2 marathon please consider me as well we could all meet up to go running together like once or twice a week maybe??
