Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Medley of Things

I am sure I could write a post for each, but I'd rather do a shortened version...

Monday night we did a family run around Tower Grove Park.  And by this I mean that Greg took Finnegan ahead of Sam and I for the first half.  We met at Center Cross and he took Sam and I took the exhausted Finnegan for the second half.  And then we met at home!  :)
I did a fantastic job and ran the whole thing (3.7 miles) except for 1 minute's worth.  Rather proud of myself!  But then it hit me like a ton of bricks and about 30 minutes after our run I was hit with nausea.  I was totally bummed because I didn't feel like I pushed myself too hard, but its the most I've ever ran, so that could be it!  :)  I'm ready to hit the road again soon!

After our run Greg jumped on his bike to meet a friend to go riding.  He is currently in training for his triathlon in August in Chicago.  He didn't close the back gate all the way for reasons that don't need to be shared to those on the internet (but it might have to do with dog poo).  I let Finnegan out as usual and didn't think twice.  Greg came home and as we were relaxing he asked where the dog was.  I informed him that he should have seen him outside.  When he told me that he left the back gate open I ran to the back to call out Finn's name.  He was no where around.

We scrambled to get our shoes on, I was about to call our neighbor to ask her to come over to watch Sam when I opened the front door, and who was there?!  FINNEGAN!  :)  The thing is, here in the city he just can't go through the houses to get to our front porch.  He had to go around the block to get home.  Such a good pup.  :)  He was there for over an hour, unknowingly to us.  :)

So I have decided to teach the kiddos sign language because we've had some issues with biting and hitting and pinching.  I just started on Monday and Sam already has please and thank you down.  Such a smart little girl!  :)  We are working on the basics and then will move into harder words if we need them.  My hope is that we just have to use them until we develop more words.

Speaking of developing more words, Sam has learned a new one!  There are some days that she is in her high chair and Finnegan comes over to beg for food.  I don't put up with this at all and I point my finger and tell him to "Go!".  Well, she's caught on and there are days when she is standing next to him while he is laying nicely on the ground and she will point to him and tell him "Go!".  Its too funny!  Now if she would only learn more words this quickly.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Be careful what you wish for...
    Talkers quickly learn to argue:) But I agree they are MUCH easier to deal with on a regular basis.
