So as I sit here on my day off, with Greg at work, something hit me. We have been working so hard to make our house our home when in a few short months it is going to be flipped upside down. We will have baby stuff...EVERYWHERE. Its amazing how one's life can change after baby. Granted, it has yet to happen to us, but I can only imagine after the years of babysitting.
I can see it now...
The picture frames with just Greg and I will most likely be of Victory Le-a Agnes Dudlina Roberta Leslie Berger instead. (Yes, those are all the names that our poor baby girl has at the moment...too bad only Greg and I know her REAL name!)
The above statement also pertains to my Facebook profile as well. All the pictures I post will be of our cute little girl!
Hardwood floors will be taken over with baby blankets, baby swings, baby floor toys, etc.
I will no longer be showering every day...because I know I would rather be napping than showering whenever I get the chance.
When I do shower, I will learn to do it in record time, so that I can still get a nap in.
Our evenings will no longer be filled with what TV shows are on that night, but what cute facial expression or movement our baby girl is making.
Laundry. I think we (I, because I seem to wear WAY more clothes than Greg in a week's time) have a lot of laundry now...oh I can only imagine!
It will be a life altering experience, and I can hardly wait! I am definitely done with being a mom-to-be and ready to just be a mom.
On a completely different note...After sitting at home by myself on my day off, with Greg at work, something else hit me. My days off without Greg are not all that fun. huh. who woulda thought?!?!