Monday, March 1, 2010

Big eater

I can't seem to keep up with Sam's eating!

On a daily basis she will have:
3-4 bottles (4 to 8 oz depending on the time of day)
A bowl of oatmeal (usually with yogurt or a serving of fruit in it)
approximately 2 handfuls of puffs
yogurt bites
1/2 a graham cracker
2 servings of veggies
2 servings of fruit
buttered toast

and I try to get meats in her diet at least twice a week.

She is eating more bite sized foods rather than pureed.  She enjoys them very much.  I feel like I am constantly in the kitchen making her food!  Its CRAZY!!!!

Maybe I'm ready for her growing to slow down.  If I stop feeding her such yummy things, do you think that could happen?!  ;0)

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Welcome to the world of bigger kids. Though she will slow down soon, but being in the kitchen all day sure does feel like a death sentemnce sometimes;)
