Greg is always telling me that I need to keep our lives in perspective. There are many days when he drives me up the wall. I have to constantly ask him to do things, and after a while, I just don't want to ask anymore. He continually tells me that asking is what I need to do because he is a guy, and they just don't think like we (women) do.
Complaint: Sure, Greg is not perfect. He doesn't always do the dishes after I cook, he doesn't always change the baby, and sometimes he doesn't get all of my frustrations.
Perspective: He is supportive. He WILL do something if I ASK him to do so. He has always stayed by my side, in good and bad. And let me tell you, in these short 2 years together, there have been some bad times.
We went out with a couple of friends on Saturday night and it dawned on me that even with all of his flaws, Greg is, as humanly and as manly possible, perfect.
Complaint: It frustrates me that Greg is at a job that doesn't pay well and doesn't recognize his talents. On a daily basis, I ask him if he is looking for a job...
Perspective: (background) I joined this mommy forum and am amazed at what others can not afford. One woman wasn't willing to buy a baby gate for $20. She said that was more than she was willing to pay for her child's safety. Of course, she didn't say the last part, but it seems to be what she was implying.
So, sure, we aren't rolling in the dough, but we can afford the things that are nessecary. If we can't, we figure out a way to do so. We knew that having a baby meant that we would have to make sacrifices, but we are lucky that Greg has a steady, stable job so that we can afford what we need. And maybe, sometimes, a little of what we want.
I need to remember that life really isn't bad. I have a job (a pretty good one!!!), Greg has a job, and in a few short months, mine will be bringing in a steady increase. It will be hard, challenging and exhausting, but once again, Greg has stepped up and said that if we need to hire someone to help me out, we can. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs.........
Sometimes, I need to remember to look at my life in perspective.