Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Melt Down

Took Sam to the grocery store last night.  I thought it was going to be a quick in and out.  She was fed right before we went, and it was the first time I actually put her in the cart (easy entertainment).  She did AMAZING for 3/4 of the trip.  By the time I was in the dairy, she was whining and sorta screaming.  I had no toy that would entertain her and she was unhappy.  So, the ultimate question is, what's a mother to do.  I grabbed my phone, called the hubby and BEGGED him to come to the grocery instead of heading home.  He so graciously obliged.

The trick until he could get there was how to entertain Samantha until then.  Well, I am going to be honest.  Mom's are amazing beings.  Tasks that seem so ridiculous and actually difficult are just the opposite when in desperate situations.  I grabbed Samantha out of the seat, held her on my hip and pushed my fully loaded cart around the freezer section one handed.  I quickly learned last night that carts are designed to be pushed/steered with 2 hands.  Luckily for me, people kindly moved out of my way when I was swerving down the aisle.  Don't worry, I definitely said my 'excuse mes' and 'thank yous' plenty of times!  I even had a kind woman ask me if she could push my cart or hold Sam for me while I finished shopping.  I thanked her and told her my husband was on his way :)  I love when people offer random acts of kindness.  It's a refreshing reminder that the world hasn't gone completely out of whack.

Lo and behold, 20 minutes later my dear sweet husband rushed into the grocery store, saved me from my probably already developing carpal tunnel, and helped me pick out wines.

My knight in shining armor saved me from my grocery store night mare!  :)

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