Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Picture Post

Here ya go!

Sam's new thing is to wear two different types of shoes on her feet.

The next few (including the playground ones) are from a trip to Castlewood Park.

We almost NEVER leave the pup at home.

The playground was Sam's treat for being so good in the carrier. 

I have yet to instill "Up the stairs, down the slide".

All by herself.  She's a pro at this!

This is what we do when we are bored.  Its awesome...for her.

She can be so awful sometimes and then I see this and I think "my angel"!!

Blue eyes.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the shoes thing, Annabeth would put bracelets on her calves for her unique style at this age and a bit older. Priceless memories to tease her about later lol!
