WHAT?! I'm 3 months already?!

Oh, my! Well, I have survived my first week with Ben. Its been an experience. I have enjoyed it and not enjoyed it at the same time. You hear that you love your children unconditionally. This, my friends, is true. After a week with Ben, I value and appreciate Sam SOOO much more than I already did. And my love for her, WOW!!!Its not that being with Ben has been hard; more like an adjustment. We had some rough spots through the week, but we had a talk, and I think we are on the same page. (yes, I had a conversation with an 8 month old; and yes, I believe that he DID understand me.) He is such an adorable boy though! At 19 pounds he is a lot to carry around. He has, however, helped me to get back in shape. He does squats with me and sit ups. What a good boy! He is such an eater too! H
e is on vegetables, rice cereal and fruits. He prefers those over his botttles every time. I try to get him to drink at least 4 ounces though. I do really enjoy him!
Sam and Ben together are absolutely adorable. They get along splendidly! If they are upset, or even if just one of them is upset, I put them in the pack n play together or on the playmat together and they just stare and talk to each other. So cute! :) I think this is going to be a great experience!

Some of you may be curious of how Finnegan is taking the new baby in the house. He is so into Ben its unreal! Ben is already part of the family. They enjoy hanging out together and Ben laughs everytime Finnegan comes near! :) SOO happy this is the case!
I have also been on the prowl for a good St. Louis Mom's website where I can talk to Moms and possibly have play groups with others in my area. I have found www.StLouisMommies.com. I absolutely LOVE it! They have great forums with great discussions and you can join a forum that has people close to your area. I am still trying to get the hang of it, but I already truly enjoy it!

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