Thursday, July 29, 2010

Samantha Update

Sam is a learning machine.  I think she does something new every day.

Most recently she has begun to talk "jargon talk".  She has serious conversations with you and expects answers. When you respond, she'll do "I don't know" (something that is somewhat new) or just say "yea".  Its pretty hilarious.

I have also been teaching Sam to wink.  Its my new favorite :)  I will wink at her and she will concentrate really hard, open her mouth (mimicking me) and shut both eyes.  Eh, its a start!

She is learning sign language like a champ.  She learns something new everyday.  It is so easy for her to pick up; it amazes me!

She is going down the stairs both forwards and backwards.  In fact, I caught her going down the stairs forwards by herself and oh boy, did she get into trouble!!!  She knows that it is only a skill she does holding on to Mom and Dad's hands.  There is a spot on our stairs where it curves and there is no railing.

She has started to try to put her own shoes on.  Its pretty cute to watch, even when she gets frustrated.

She likes to help me "cook".  I put a bowl and spoon down on her level with goodies in it and she stirs it and usually eats whats in the bowl.  We call it "testing" to make sure that it tastes JUUUUUUST right!

She LOVES to brush her teeth.  And she is so good about giving the toothbrush back when she is done.  (It was a struggle at first.)

She still loves to swim.  She practices her swimming the the tub too.

That's all I can think of right now.  :)  I can't believe how big our baby is getting.  She is becoming a toddler more and more every day.

Greg said it perfectly the other day.  We were talking about how big she is getting and he said "I can't believe it.  Our daughter is becoming a little person!!"  For reals.  A little person.  Gosh that was fast!


  1. This is the best time...right before the stubborn will takes over and you have the battle of who is really in charge. First borns are not known for an easy fight. Enjoy the precious little life!

  2. boy that's the truth first borns are far more stubborn I think.
    I think this is the "magical" time for me I love this age between baby and toddler. Everything they do is a mimic of bigger kid behavior but on a mini-me scale. Just the other day magnus climbed up into his toddler seat kicked one leg over the side and leaned back with his sippy cup to watch t.v. It was so something his dad or older brother would do that it just struck me as funny..LOL
