This weekend was one of those weekends.
I had Friday off because the boys' grandparents were in town and wanted to spend some quality time with them. Sam and I went to Creve Coeur Park with some SLM mommies and had a splendid time. My daughter is NOT afraid of water squirting out of the ground or jungle gyms or jungle gyms when wet. She has no fear. And while I totally appreciate this, sometimes I wish she just didn't want to climb while wet! We came home, napped until 5 and then hung out. Daddy had a fun event at work and then a very important happy hour (for reals.).
Saturday Daddy had to move Aunt Angie back to STL from Columbia so he was gone that day. Sam took her nice 2 hour nap and I cleaned all the floors. They were DIS.GUST.ING! I can't believe I let the wood floors get like that. I guess its because since you couldn't see the dirt, I didn't care as much. But the feeling on my bare feet when they were clean is indescribable. :)
We then headed to a "messy" playdate where the kiddos had the opportunity to paint with colored ice cubes, play in oatmeal, finger paint with pudding and marshmallows and cut out jell-o shapes. My daughter felt the need to EAT all of these things.

(All pictures courtesy of Andrea Rudolph)
That being said, while on the way home Sam was a tad more fussy than usual. I thought it was because the sun was in her eyes, but was because she was about to get sick.She whined for a while and then got rather quiet. I assumed she passed out. Not more than 30 seconds later I heard the sounds of up chuck. Awesome. We christened our new car seat!
I had to get off the highway and clean as much up as possible because the car was beginning to smell rancid. I pulled over the first place I could find to stop...and where was this you ask? Ahhh, Plaza Frontenac.
Yes. I pulled into Plaza Frontenac to clean the puke off my daughter while a nice little family walked up: Mom dressed in a white dress and pearls and heels, Dad in a polo and khakis and loafers and Son in the same outfit as Dad but with a sweater tied around his neck (WTF?!?!? Who the hell does this anymore?! Oh yea, people who live in Ladue...whatev).
Anywho, thanks to Sara I had paper towels to clean up the puke, and they held up pretty well!!!
We got home just to clean ourselves up again to turn back around and head out to West Co. where Sam was dropped off and Grandma and Grandpa's and Greg and I headed to a going away party :( Sad night for us. But we are excited for Paul and his adventures in Chicago!
Sunday we were honored to be the God Parents of Eric and celebrated with family and friends of Eric's afterwards. We then dropped Sam off at Grandma and Grandpa's* AGAIN so that we could see Inception (GREAT movie, btw). AMC was having $1 soda and popcorn any size yesterday, so we just had to use it!
I bought a medium of each and barely made a dent in either. I can't believe people eat all of that stuff in one sitting. Ew.
We picked Sam up, came home, put her to bed and sat on the couch wondering where our weekend went...
I can't believe its Monday, but I will spend the day enjoying the peace (well as much peace that comes with 3 kiddos...).
Hope you had a fantastic weekend!!!
*Thanks to my Mom and Dad who make it easy for us to "have a life". We couldn't do what we do without you!!!!
I felt this way I had all these things to get done and no where near enough time to do them all. I think that's why my brain is still stuck in weekend My co-workers and I enjoyed reading your description of that family in Ladue..LOL PRICELESS!!!
ReplyDeleteThat description was great, and my fav..whateva. I so say this and have a couple friends who call it my trade mark. Course I guess I am not the only one and totally will share with you LOL!