Thursday, February 19, 2009


I was well for a week, and now, I'm sick again.  I feel that this time, its just adding to current aches and pains.  My ribs and my back hurt more now than before.  The amounts of heat and Tylenol are not helping.  I'm not here to complain, just to vent.  I went on Z-pack before in hopes that it would kick this, but I think it just suppressed it.  Now I have to make the decision if it is worth going on antibiotics again, or if I should just tough it out.  I am currently eating cough drops like candy and taking my Sudaphed every 4 hours.  I don't seem to be quite as congested, but I think I would rather be congested than have a cough.  Coughing + pregnancy = not a good combination.  I guess the good that comes out of it is that Greg and I are both home tomorrow.  Greg to clean, me to rest.  We will be the host and hostess to 3 Kansas City boys beginning tomorrow night.  The boys plan to test their manliness by drinking themselves silly at Mardi Gras Saturday morning/afternoon.  According to Cindy Presler (helmet head), it is supposed to be cloudy, maybe a flurry or two with a high of 31.  Good luck boys!!!
I, on the other hand, plan on driving them to their destination and then coming home to a warm and cozy home.  Then, depending on how WE feel, possibly going to see a movie with a friend.  Yes, we are both pregnant; and we are both sick.  Ahhh, the joys!!!

In the world of the baby, we are going thru all the hand-me-down clothes to see what we shall keep and what we shall give away.  Baby Berger is one lucky girl, as is her mom and dad!!!  We are so thankful for the generosity of our friends.    Greg hopes to meet up with his uncle to pick up our baby crib and dresser/changing table.  Then maybe, just maybe, our baby girl's room will look more like a nursery and less  like a storage room.  Then it will be time for me to go through all of my clothes, decide what I want and what I don't, and pass them on.  First, to my mom, and then to Goodwill.  :)

Finnegan is doing well.  He had a playdate on Wednesday with 2 other dogs.  One is a 7 year old black lab and the other is a 6 month old puggle.  It was really cute to watch them, and what was better, he was WIPED when we got home.  He could barely lift his head off his pillow all night.  I think he needs more of these things called playdates.  Hopefully soon, we will get him a playdate with a one year old great dane!  That was the plan for Saturday, but with the weather so cold, we opted against it.  :)  So, for now, its postponed!  

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