Friday, February 6, 2009

A mixture of things...

Well, Greg and I registered last weekend at Babies R Us and it was just an awful experience. Honestly. Even after being in the childcare field for about 4 years now I had NO idea on what I should register for. There is so much, and its all so EXPENSIVE! Of course I had to go out and purchase the book Baby Bargains before registering. I read it cover to cover. Did it help? Nope. I was still so lost. And when I got stressed out and upset with Greg because he wasn't helping, his answer was of course "Hey, I'm helping. I'm holding the scanner." Typical. But what more could I expect? He has less of a clue than I do!!! We did get a good amount of stuff on the registery though. Some of it is wishy washy, but it will have to do.

So, I've come to the conclusion that I am switching practices when this baby business is done and over with (well the delivery process anyway). I absolutely LOVE my doctor, but can't STAND the practice. I hate that everytime I call (which is a lot, I admit) I talk to a different nurse every time. It drives me bonkers. I then get a different story every time. This past week definitely sent me over the edge, so my decision is final. To all you OBGYN's out there, I'm a free agent after May! :)

Things have been fine. I've been sick (head cold and yucky cough) and for the first time since I've known Greg, he too, is sick. Poor guy. It could be that he has gotten sick because I keep him up all night with my coughing and his lack of sleep just caught up with him. After many a phone calls to the nurses, I finally was prescribed a Z-pack. So hopefully this goes away this weekend.

Other than that, nothing new. We are going to soak up this nice weather in hopes that it sticks around!!! :) :)

1 comment:

  1. Its about time you blogged again! I was waiting!

    I registered online.... I can imagine being just as overwhelmed as you if I had done it in the store.

    I hope you (both!) are feeling better.
