Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

First question I was asked this morning was:  Well, did you go into labor this Mother's Day?! 

No, no I did not.  Thank goodness.  :)

Don't get me wrong.  I LOOOVE being Sam's Mommy, but I am NOT ready to be a Mommy to another baby yet.  Give me a year or so!!!

This Mother's Day was as relaxing as it could have been.

Sam was an angel and slept in until 8 (after she got up twice to be rocked back to sleep by Daddy).  Daddy then made us all omelets which were DELICIOUS and we got ready and headed over to my parents for lunch.  We had a bbq lunch which entailed brats, hotdogs, 2 types of salads and angel food cake!  MMMmmm.  :)  We also celebrated my Daddy's birthday!

After lunch we headed to Greg's Grandparents for dinner which entailed pork tenderloin, veggies, fruit salad, Breadsmith rolls, green bean casserole and baked beans!  :)  I also helped myself to homemade chocolate covered strawberries.  I was really hoping for it to be warm enough to take Sam swimming, but it was too chilly for that, so we just admired the pretty pool instead!  

So while we ran around like chickens with our heads cut off, we enjoyed our family time!
Much different than last years!  :) (oh, and my baby is all grown up! *tear*)

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