Monday, May 3, 2010


We are officially walking.  I guess I should say we are officially teetering.  Its one of the cutest things in the world and I know now that I am in for some trouble.  I have always said that when Samantha starts walking, she will be running.  Its only a matter of time before she's running around the house, yard, mall, store, wherever.  My mother in law made it blatantly clear yesterday while at their house that the first year has been a breeze.  This little princess of mine is going to send me for a whirl wind.

No longer can I sit and play on the computer while my sweet sweet child sits and chews on toys.  No.  That day is over.  I will now be chasing her about the house telling her "no no" and "not over there, Sam".
I know it, and I am ready for it.  I've been preparing myself since before we had kids for this stage.

My favorite stage.

Bring. It. On.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, you have no idea what is ahead.....but you enjoy as this too goes by so fast:)
