Friday, May 28, 2010

Head, shoulders, knees and toes! (or nose!)

We have had a rather excited past 24 hours.

In the past 24 hours we have:

  • discovered Sam's first tooth!  She had something in her mouth and I went fishing for it, and found a stationary sharp object on her bottom gum.  After removing the loose object in her mouth, I went back in and confirmed it was in fact, A TOOTH!!!!!
  • learned where our head is.  I can ask Sam at anytime, no matter what she is doing "Where is your head?", and she'll put both hands on her head and tap it!
  • begun to learn where our nose is.  She hasn't quite figured out where it is on her face, but she has grabbed mine when I asked her where her's was!  Twice!  So we are getting there!  :)
  • continued our temper tantrums.  :)  Not exciting in a good way, but it still brings a type of excitement!  :)
I hope everyone has a great extended weekend and while you are enjoying the pools and the sunshine and the BBQ's, please remember the true meaning of Memorial Day.

Thank you to all the men and women serving to fight for my freedom!! 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to Sam on her many accomplishments and milestones!

    I too want to add my own thanks to the men and women in uniform fighting for our freedoms.
