Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween: The Candy Edition

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, by far.  Especially now that I have a little one to dress up for the occasion.
I love dressing up and trick or treating (I am forgetting all of the negative connections to Halloween), the fact that it is the beginning of the holiday season and of course, the CANDY!

When I was younger, I used to try to find good hiding spots so that my three other siblings couldn't eat all the good stuff. Sometimes I would even separate my candy in hopes to fool them. One thing I can successfully say about my brother is that when he is determined to find something, it will be found.  Especially if it is something that doesn't belong to him but he really REALLY wants!  :)

Back to the candy.  I could eat it day in and day out.  No issues.

Well, then I turned 25.  And had a baby.  And nothing melts off like it used to.  I swear.  I am eating rather healthy again (I went on a health food hiatus), but with all of the candy{wrappers}lying around my house, you wouldn't be able to tell.

Why is it that when you know you shouldn't have something, its all you think about and want?!

Its a good thing my Mommy group is donating it to the troops.  I can't get it out of my house fast enough! Shoot if I don't hand it off soon, I will be eating it out of my house!

With that said, I don't need any candy in my stocking for Christmas. Give it to Greg.  :)

1 comment:

  1. SO true!! Yet by no conscious effort I have eaten none today. I don't know how but hoping it stays. Good luck!
