Thursday, November 11, 2010

I cry

I cry at everything.  At TV shows.
At commercials that are gushy.
At blogs.  Definitely at blogs.
There are some posts that others write that I have to come back to because they are so hard to read.  I always have a Kleenex nearby so that I can wipe away the tears and blow my nose.

Today is no ordinary day.  Everyone is writing about Veteran's Day.  I don't cry at the thought of the day, but at the thought that SO many people have loved ones who have served or are serving today.  Jenny's blog really hit me today.  She is a wife of a military man.  And she painted a picture so perfectly for me of a life that I will never see.  But I felt it, for just one quick minute. I sorta saw her life. And I cried.
I cried because I loved how content she was.  I cried because not only is her husband, Travis, sacrificing, but so is she.  Not really sure why I felt the need to blog about her. And I know how random it might be.  But I want to say thank you to Jenny for being the wife of a veteran and for her husband who selflessly gave up a corporate job to protect me and my family and friends. And to their baby girl for giving up time with her Daddy so that he can serve.  She doesn't know the difference now, but she is much appreciated. I don't know this family personally, but started reading her blog after she shared her story about her daughter Bella on Jeannett's blog.

So thank you to all the men and women sacrificing their life for us so that we may be free.  And thank you to all the men and women out there who are supporting their wife, husband, significant other, daughter, are just as amazing!  :)


  1. Thank you Katie... this post touched ME! Thanks for reading and appreciating my words. It makes me feel loved - odd, but it does. :-) God blessings on you...

  2. I love her blog too, and that is because of you. Thanks for sharing. God made us each for specific purposes in this world and some seem to sacrifice more than others sometimes. I am glad to know I am not the only one who cries:)
