Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What I will miss

I was reading Jeannett's blog (amazing, really!) and she was saying that the one bad thing about being a SAHM is that you don't get sick days.  SOO true.  You just can't call in sick.

Well, it got me thinking.  As I get ready to one day go back to work (hopefully), I wanted to know what I would miss.

The cuddles.  I would miss the cuddles.  Sam is the best cuddler around.  Sure, it might take her slapping me first, but I LOVE the cuddles. She is so sweet. She will nuzzle in the crook of my neck and just lay there.  Boy will I miss those.

 I will miss her crawling in my lap to just hang out with me.  I will miss the drive by kisses that she gives me.  For no reason.

I know I will still get them when I'm home, but now I get them all the time.  And I LOVE it!  :)

The temper tantrums someone else can deal with.  Can I just have the cuddles?!

1 comment:

  1. When you figure out how to do that let me know will ya? :)
