Yesterday, Sam had her 2 month check up. She is growing SO fast! She weighs 11 pds 4 oz and is 23 1/2 inches long! The poor baby had to get 4 vaccines yesterday by shot and one by mouth. She was not a happy camper at all! She cried for about 10 minutes and then passed out. She was pretty good until Mom and I got to the mall to shop and then she started screaming! The women who worked in the store thought that she was a colicy baby. We had to explain probably 5 times that she just had her shots. Poor baby. Grandma is the perfect pillow, though. :) But, so far, she is better today!
So back to shopping. Mom and I went to Destination Maternity to get a swim suit. Normally, I would have bucked it up and not bothered to pay for ANOTHER swimsuit that won't fit me ever again unless I get pregnant over the summer which I plan on NEVER on sentence but I wanted you to get the out of breath feel that I get when I think about being pregnant during STL's heat...
Right so where was I...oh yes, we went to Destination Maternity because just last Saturday we went to the "regular" stores and NOTHING fit. But we were successful at DM and I'm happy. And it was on sale, so my mom was happy too! :) We also bought some shirts for me so I stop wearing my maternity shirts. I think I've lost enough weight to where people will just think I have a beer belly. Greeeeeaaaat. But still no need for maternity shirts. That is probably all the motivation I need to get this stomach back in tip top shape!
Ugh, now its time for me to go on my rant rage...Since the moment I got pregnant, my face has broken out into this awful stuff called adult acne (ba ba bummmmm). I hate it. I'm done with it. I want to move on. Yes, its hormonal, but I want to be able to control it as much as possible. Since I can't do that with birth control because the good stuff will dry out my skin, I have to do it with good face products. So, I went to Sephora yesterday, bought all organic face care and retinol in hopes that in a couple weeks, I will at least have my break outs under control. I hope.
Ok, back to Sam. :)
She has been a talking machine. Her favorite words are "oooo" and "a-gooo", but she has started putting in "waaa" and "wooo" as well! She is also starting to laugh a little. She gets so smiley and then lets out this puff of air. We LOVE it! :) It is so fun to see her do something new every day! She is also starting to try to sit up. She will lift her neck and we will help her sit up the rest of the way.
The other day, she gave Greg the puppy dog look for the first time. I already know that I'm going to be the disciplinarian in the family because she already has him wrapped around her fingers. He gave in to her puppy dog look and she didn't even WANT anything yet. Oh boy.
On to Finnegan...
He's been eating the carpet. Great. I think its because he smells spit up on it (even though we clean it up), and wants to eat it. Greg thinks he is acting out. Its probably both.
Here are some pictures:

Sam at 1 month

Loving tummy time

Talking to Daddy
ok when I said that the "good" birth control would dry out my skin, I meant my milk. Its not my fault I can't write the correct things...Sam is taking all of my brain nutrients! :)