Samantha went swimming for the first time yesterday. We were at Greg's grandparents for about an hour and she wouldn't stop screaming, so we gave up and headed home. We passed Carl and Angela on the way and they said that we should head back and try again. So, after a few times around the block to calm the little one down, and a trip to Walgreens for some Mylicon (I forgot the one at home), we headed back for round two.
She did FABULOUS! You can't tell by the pictures, but she loved being in the water. She was in for close to 20 minutes! What a big girl! :)

Ready for Swimming


family picture

take 2

So, as Greg's cousin, Amanda, was holding Sam, I decided to relax on a noodle. As I was getting situated, this HUGE, UGLY, brown spider came crawling out of the hole. I screamed SOOOO loud! I was laughed at by Greg, Carl and Angela until they saw how big that thing was. Then they
understood! Greg thinks it was a wolf spider. Who knows, but as Carl was killing it, she let her
babies go. EWWWW! Oh, and to top it off, cousin Jennifer said, "Oh, yea, I forgot to tell you about that!" WHAT?! You KNEW there was a spider in that noodle and you didn't tell me?! AHHH! :) I am DEATHLY afraid of spiders, ESPECIALLY big ones! My heart races just thinking about it!
Ok, here are the Christening pics I promised! Enjoy!
Being blessed


she did so well!

family picture

i'm pretty sure i just felt that spider and her baby clan on my leg. thanks. SICK.