Monday, July 20, 2009


I've come to realize that as much as I do cherish time with Sam, I do not think I fully cherish her. During the times that she is awake (which is almost ALL DAY LONG!), I am continually thinking about all the things I should be/could be doing. For example, currently, my house is a DISASTER, I have done no laundry in over a week (with the exception of her diapers) and I am about to lose my mind. I was talking to Greg's aunt this weekend and she reminded me that it really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. I SHOULD be enjoying the time with her; watching her grow, learn new things, and just enjoy her. It won't be too long when she will be talking back, hanging out with friends over me, and just growing too fast. So, I really should sit back, enjoy the time with her and forget about the rest. It will get done. Maybe not every day, maybe not every week, but eventually.

(does anyone want to volunteer to clean my house?! :) )

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