Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Top 10 Tuesday...

This is something I wanted to start this week, but with the babies being on different schedules yesterday, my need to run around the entire city and county of St. Louis in the evening and going to bed at 9, it just didn't happen!

I will attempt to do it every Tuesday, and its a list of my Top 10's for the week.  (Probably in no particular order, but just as they come to mind.)

So here it is, a day late:

10. Morning walks with Amy and Oliver.  Finnegan just loves it and it is a motivation for me to get my tushy out of bed and walk!

9. A clean house.  I don't think that's going to happen until after Christmas.  For some reason, the Christmas Tree seems to clutter our house this year.  Oh, that is probably all the baby stuff.  haha.

8. Burlington Coat Factory.  LIFE. SAVER.  Baby shoes for $6.99 that she will probably only wear once or twice (Christmas eve and Christmas!), and tights for $1.98.  WOO!

7. Big! Lots.  Granted, not always the best quality.  But, they had garland for the outside of our house for $5.  Can't beat that!

6. My husband.  It's been a rough few months for us, but we are making it through and he has picked up a Saturday job to make that happen.

5. Coffee.  Its always on my Top lists.  I can't help it.  I love it. Just black.  :)

4. Crackers.  Currently, its the one thing that I can hand to Samantha as I do whatever I need to do, and she is content.

3. Heat.  It would be SOOOO cold with out it.

2. Humidifiers.  It has worked WONDERS for Sam's cold.  Granted, she still has her cough, but she isn't waking up in the middle of the night anymore...

1. Friends.  A phone call to/from a friend can make my day SOO much better.  :)

There you have it.  In no particular order, my Top 10 Tuesday(Wednesday)

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