Saturday, February 27, 2010

And so it begins..

I started my version of the Fat Flush Diet.  I bought myself 2 bottles of un-concentrated 100% cranberry juice* and ground flaxseed from Trader Joe's.  I also bought raw almonds and dried cranberries for snacks.  :)

I am not so sure how I am going to do on the whole eating part of the flush.  I can't eat as much protein as the book would like one to eat.  I will be watching what I eat, though.  

So far today I have had:

  • 2 fried eggs (-1 yolk for Sam) cooked in olive oil ( I didn't buy the flaxseed oil, either.  I might invest in that as well).
  • 1 cup of coffee (not the organic like they would like, but just black!)
  • 1/4 cup of almond/cranberry mix
  • PB&J (okay so not the best, but turkey did not sound good to me!) on flaxseed bread from Breadsmith (only water, flaxseed, salt, yeast and unbleached flour in the ingredients!)
  • 4-8 oz glasses of cranberry water, one with 1 Tablespoon of Ground Flaxseed (Only 4 more to go!)
  • 1 cup of frozen raspberries.  

Now I have to figure out what to make for dinner.  Maybe some salmon.

My goal for these first 2 weeks is to stay away from dairy, sugar and too much fat.  Not so bad today (minus the PB&J)

*Just as a side note:  Those 2 bottles of cranberry juice will last me 8 days.  Looks like I will need to head back to TJ's...

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Finally I convinced the hubby that a gym membership will make me a happy girl.

Finally I figured out where my happy place is.  It must have been the (almost) year apart.  They do say distance makes the heart grow fonder.

Finally I will be in my happy place, hopefully everyday, for $20 a month.  With free babysitting.  AAAAAAAND a workout partner.

Thats right.  Finally I will be ready for bikini season!  (One can dream.)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


As some of you might know, I struggle with making chocolate chip cookies.  I have no idea why, but they always turn out flat and crispy.  I like my cookies soft and chewy!  :)

Well, I no longer have to worry about that.  There is a back story to this, so bear with me.  My mom had vegan chocolate chips for some unknown reason in her pantry.  She had cleaned out said pantry one weekend and I nabbed the chips.  I said to her (and myself), "Courtney would use these!  She's Vegan".  Obviously not sad to part with them, she said, "Good, give them to her!".

So, of course, where did they go?  Into the baby bag.  For weeks.

Just this week I sent her this amazing vegan website.  I think I stumbled upon it looking for something for us to eat {us non-Vegans (which very well may change)}.  I sent it to her and told her that I had chocolate chips for her and that she should make these chocolate chip cookies.  Then I had a BETTER idea.  I would make said cookies.

Well I did.  And they are phenomenal.  And now I have to give them up.  :)

Its okay, though.  Because I am supposed to be dieting.  And while they are Vegan, I can't say a cup 'o sugar is all that good for me!  ;0)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

3 Babies: Revisited.

Two things I forgot to say in my last post.  Having 3 babies is exhausting and rewarding.

Now, enjoy the pictures!

Happy Baby!

Our Angel.

Beautiful Baby!


Top 3 Tuesday

Its too hard to come up with 10 new things every week.  So here are the top 3!

3. Time with Greg.  Last night we spent an hour on the Wii Fit.  We had a blast trying out the games.  :)

2. The sun.  Thank goodness it came out.  I was kinda getting sad.

1. Sam's new skill.  She's a pulling up machine!  WOOO!  She figured it out for real yesterday and has been doing it every chance she gets!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Greg fed and changed Sam this morning.  She leaked through her diaper (not sure how since she didn't really drink yesterday), so he decided that instead of putting on new PJ pants he would just let her go without.

BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG mistake!  Sam likes to pull at her diaper tabs.  She ended up pulling one side completely off and then pooping.  Awesome.  I finish getting ready, go in and get her and find her in this state.  I scream, because seriously, ew, and she squeals with delight to see me.  I have to then figure out how to get her out of her crib without getting poop all over me, her sheets and the floor. Awesome.

Well, success for me and the floor.  Not so good for her sheet and changing pad.  Good thing those are easily washable.  :)

Three babies

I have 3 babies this week: Sam and Ben and then cute little Savannah. I've truly enjoyed hanging out with her for the last day and a half and look forward to tomorrow.  She has such a great personality.  She's kind, thoughtful and not afraid of ANYTHING!  I found her scaling Ben's crib this morning trying to get in to say "hi" to him!  :)  (Granted I was standing right there, but it took me by surprise!)

Here are a few things that I've learned while have 3 babies this week:

  • "Hush little baby" works wonders and my head hurts from singing it so much.
  • Always have crackers or puffs to occupy those children NOT eating in the chair.
  • A nap time routine is SO much more crucial with 3 babies vs. 2.
  • Have lots of toys (check!).
  • With 2 walkers, baby gates are ESSENTIAL!
  • Personal time is non existent!
I'm sure I'll have more before the days end tomorrow!  In the meantime, I will enjoy the company. :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Speaking of...

Speaking of 27 years...THAT IS HOW OLD I WILL BE THIS YEAR!!!!

When did that happen?!  I was in the car last night on my way home and this thought just hit me.  I officially feel old.  Very old.  Ugh.

Granted I know its not that old, and I should be counting my blessings, but I forever think of myself as 23.  Whoops.  Silly me.  I'm 4 years past that age!  :)

Best Status EVER!

One may say I'm a Facebook Stalker, but really, who isn't?!

Here is the best status I've seen in a long time.  Probably because I can completely relate! :)

(Did not copy name for privacy purposes):

Dear Pre-Pregnancy Body,
I miss you. I didn't always take care of you as well as I should have but we were together for almost 27 years. Shouldn't that mean something? I know we sort of drifted apart for awhile with my whole getting knocked up thing but time apart can make you stronger. I think it's time we got back together. Call me?

Love it! :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Top 10

I was just writing how I have nothing to write about, and then things just started popping into my head.  So here you are!!!

10.  BABIES!  Sam is going to have a GIRL cousin in June!  YAY!!!

9. Sleep.  I miss it.  I haven't been sleeping well and I am not sure why.  Hmmm...

8. Healthy babies.  I'm ready for Sam to be that way again!  Poor baby has a fever!

7.  Mad Men.  A really good show that we have become addicted to. (not sure if this has made it on the list yet or not!)

6. New cars.  Its been a long drawn out week, but we think we have it all figured out and we aren't going to drop a penny.

5. At home date nights.  Yup, tonight is one of those nights!

4. The Bachelor.  I'm hooked.  I didn't think I would be because I didn't start watching it until we went to Colorado, but I am.  :)

Okay.  Make that Top 7!!!  I have nothing else!  Sorry!  :)

Everyone have a fabulous Tuesday!

Snow Bunny

While Ben napped today, Sam and I went out in the snow!  We just HAD to try that new snowsuit Daddy bought her!  :)  Enjoy!

Not so sure about this snow thing!

Right as Finnegan was shaking snow in her face.

Fell over. Obviously not happy about that!

Mommy love!

Crazy pup!

Snow is definitely his favorite!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


In the past week I have had a true knack to go for a run.  

I don't know why; I actually don't really like to run.  I don't like the feeling of my lungs burning because of the cold and I hate to feel so exhausted and know that I will have to walk the rest of the way home.  Because honestly, once I start walking, I'm not going to stop.  

Well, today was a new day, my friends.  

Greg came home from work and Finnegan and I went for a run.  
Granted not very far, and it was pretty slow due to the ice on the sidewalks and me being out of shape.  
But, we ran. 
The. whole. way. 
It may have only been a mile,   
But I did it.  
And it felt good. 
I miss the feeling after a good cardio workout.
Could this be a new thing?  
Or just a week long fad (like the stair running). 
 All I know is I really want to do it again tomorrow!  :)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Punxsutawney Phil

Groundhog's Day.  What a silly tradition we continue to uphold.

I can't believe that we base our winter predictions on a groundhog.  Why do we pay meteorologists again?

I believe its all for those elementary school teachers that need a bye day for planning.  Same with 100th day of school, every holiday, first of each season, etc.

Don't get me wrong.  I only mention that because if I were a teacher, I would be using those things as a bye.  I don't not find any teacher lazy nor was I trying to imply that!  Sometimes it's just nice to have a break.

Anywho, Phil says that there is apparently 6 more weeks of winter.

I am challenging Spring to prove him wrong.

Top 10 Tuesday

Here it is!  Enjoy!

10. Newborns.  Especially others'.  :)  I would like to welcome Eric Augustus Nordmann into the world!

9. Good friends.  They basically keep me going when I don't think I can go any more.

8. God's wisdom.  He's pretty amazing and is rather good at opening my eyes when needed.

7. SLM.  I had a really good time amt trivia Friday night and can't wait to hang out again with those ladies!

6. The sun.  Where is it?!

5. Spring.  Please come quickly.  I'm getting antsy!

4. My (almost) 9 month old.  She is so fun to interact with.  So smart.  :)

3. Cranberry water.  Something that I once loved and will have to get acquainted with again in a mere 5 days.

2. Dinner at the 'rent's houses.  Its so nice not to have to cook, to have adult interaction and just to relax for a change!  And now that Sam is getting older and not passing out right when we get there, its even more fun!  She has begun to join us for dinners.

1. OUR NEW CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (price is right style)