Saturday, February 6, 2010


In the past week I have had a true knack to go for a run.  

I don't know why; I actually don't really like to run.  I don't like the feeling of my lungs burning because of the cold and I hate to feel so exhausted and know that I will have to walk the rest of the way home.  Because honestly, once I start walking, I'm not going to stop.  

Well, today was a new day, my friends.  

Greg came home from work and Finnegan and I went for a run.  
Granted not very far, and it was pretty slow due to the ice on the sidewalks and me being out of shape.  
But, we ran. 
The. whole. way. 
It may have only been a mile,   
But I did it.  
And it felt good. 
I miss the feeling after a good cardio workout.
Could this be a new thing?  
Or just a week long fad (like the stair running). 
 All I know is I really want to do it again tomorrow!  :)


  1. when i was in college and even in high school i would run anytime i was stressed the harder and faster i hit the pavement the more likely i could run away from what was hurting me. as if physical distance would make it all go away. I find that walking and running just help me to think now. it's like writing it's therapeutic and i can feel like at least i'm doing SOMETHING ya know. Good for you running that whole mile i doubt i could do a whole mile running anymore. maybe now is a good time for me to take up running again.

  2. I LOVE to run!!! The endorphine high is like no other, and walking seems ridiculious. Great music and the pounding of my feet to the ground. It reminds me of the commercial created for Nike in the movie what women want...
