Monday, January 11, 2010

Fish Oil

I'm going to be honest.  Since my pregnancy with Samantha, my complexion has sucked.  It's like I am 13 years old again. Boo.  Ugh.  Gross.

My Mother in Law metioned something to me about taking fish oil for my complexion about 3 months ago.  She was at the vet who told her to buy fish oil for the dogs' coats to help them stay soft and moisturized for the winter months.  He also told her that his wife started taking them too and she soon began to have a beautiful complexion.  Anyway, I couldn't decide if  I was thankful for her help, or flabbergasted that it was that obvious.  (Though, I knew it was, I liked to think it wasn't.)  I just said "Yeah, Yeah" and went on with my life.

Well two months on regular hormone BC and no changes I decided to give it a shot.  What could it hurt? Omega-3 is good for you anyway and I know that I don't get enough in my daily diet, so either way I was helping myself out.  I did my research online and found that it truly does help if you have mild-moderate acne.

Well, let me tell you. A-mazing.  I think I've had one pimple since I started taking it 2 weeks ago and it wasn't my normal painful pimple.  So happy.  I still have scars on my face, but I'm going to give it time.

So if you are a sufferer of adult acne like myself, I recommend you try it.  It also makes you hair nice and shiny too.  BONUS!  :)

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