Monday, January 4, 2010


I could sit here and describe all of the things that 2009 brought us.  I decided to spare you that pain!  :)  I think, though, that each year brings you something that you can reflect on.  Something that you can look back on and say "yea, I did a pretty good job, but there was this one thing that I wish I would have put my 100% towards."  Some say this is a new year's resolution.  To be better at something this year than you were last year.  Well, shoot.  I've had the same "resolution" for my entire life.  Honestly.  Its the same thing each year.

Stop biting my nails.

I've failed.  Every. year.  Sure,  I make it about 2 months.  But then I decide that I hate the sensation of long nails.  So off they come.

So this year I've decided to do something a little different.

I'm going to reflect on one thing that I think I did okay at, but would rather put more effort into this year.

That one thing is happiness.

Last year did bring me happiness.  And I'm not so much saying that I need to go back and eliminate the things that made me unhappy.  But more or less change my attitude towards those things and find something happy about them.  Make myself happy in every situation, in other words.

So here is a list of things that I know makes me happy:

1). My daughter.  No matter how frustrated I am with her whining or temper tantrums, I love her to death.  She makes me indescribably happy.

2). My husband.  No matter how frustrated I am with him, he always strives to make my life just a little bit easier.

3). Working out.  Its my happy place.  No matter the place.

4). Family.  Sure they annoy me, some times on purpose, some times not, but I love them very much.  I am happy that I have them in my life.

5).  Friends.  They keep me sane and happy.  Two very good things!

So there's my list. I think this year I am going to strive to have these 5 things in my life more often.  I am going to put my bad attitude behind me, find something good in everything I do, and make sure that these 5 things enter my life every day.  It doesn't have to be a face to face encounter, but rather a mental thing, phone call, email, letter, whatever!  :)

This, my friends, is such a challenge for me, but I am super excited to get started!

May you find the good in everything you do and may you make your happy list and strive to encounter those things each and every day!!!

Happy 2010!!

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