Tuesday, January 26, 2010

There is always cleaning, tasks, or duties to do at our house on a daily, if not hourly basis.

Do I ever do them?  Sometimes.

Do I ever want to do them?  No.

For instance, today I need to get laundry started if not finished.  I like to do laundry on opposite days as diaper days because that takes a while. 

Tomorrow is a diaper day.

I need to clean.  This past weekend I dusted and picked up some, but I just don't ever feel like doing it.  It may be because I never really get to experience the cleanliness because the dog drools all over my newly mopped floors, the babies throw their food on the floor or take out every toy, book and anything else they can get their hands on.Or it may be that my DH throws his clothes on what is supposed to be our window seats.  I haven't sat on them in quite a while!  :)

I also need to get to working out.  Just 30 minutes of Wii sounds lovely.

But what I would rather do, more than anything else, even more than sitting here and writing this post is to take a nap.

Why is it that no matter how much I sleep at night (8 1/2 hours last night) I just can't get enough???  Maybe I should start staying up and getting things done around the house.  Then at least my lack of motivation during the day would be justified.  :)

Oh the choices!!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOL ok I totally feel you on the house chores thing. As for the sleep thing I have a secret weapon. It's an extra B vitamin complex that I take every morning. I'm not getting anywhere near 8 1/2 hours and that B vitamin sure peps me up for the day.
    p.s. my dh uses my dining room chairs as his "closet" because he can't seem to actually get undressed in the bedroom!! He just has to dress in the living room..what is up with that?!
