Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Top 10 Tuesday

Here ya go!

10. Borrow Me clothes.  Probably the best thing ever.  Sam gets GREAT clothes and I don't have to store them when she grows out of them!  :)  (Thanks Courtney and Tracy!)

9. Our parents.  Without them it might be difficult to go on a vacation without Sam.

8. Friends who live out of state.  Free place to stay, fun places to visit, good times had by all!

7. Samantha.  I love watching her learn new things everyday!  Since my post yesterday she has figured out how to clap and does it at appropriate times!

6. Nap time.  For the babies.  For me.  It doesn't matter.  It's awesome!

5. Good blog writers.  I'm a novice.  I know.  But some people have a knack to write, and I love reading it!

4. STLMommies.  I made it a resolution (not a new year one, just a normal one! ;0) ) to get involved more and starting soon I will be the moderator for the city group and I am headed to trivia with some of the moms at the end of the month!  :)

3. Good books.  I need to find some to read on the plane!

2. The opportunity to go skiing.  We'll see if this is in my Top 10 next week!  ;0)  First time starting Saturday.  Greg's teaching me.  This will be a testament to our relationship for sure!!!


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